
Monday 20 October 2014

The Living Church

Wordle: Church
This is a word collage about what we have been talking/learning about in R.E. I have created it using Wordle.

Friday 17 October 2014

Church as Community of Christ

Wordle: Church Community
This is a word collage made from words that we have used to describe the Church as a community of Christ. I have created it using Wordle.

Friday 29 August 2014

Deceiving Clown

We were walking down the street when it happened. At first we didn’t believe Tom because he said he sees a clown at the end of the street carrying something. Most of us couldn’t see him so Tom couldn’t prove it. Then as we got closer his face got clearer. He snapped his head towards us with a weird look on his face.

As we started to run the other way, we ended up splitting into pairs. I could hear the clown laugh. There was something different how he laughed but I couldn’t put my finger on it. So I just ran as fast as I could with Tom. Hopping fences and bushes trying to lose the clown.

Tom told me we should hide in a house. I knew it was a bad idea but I didn’t complain, I was tired anyway. Thom saw a house with an open window. He climbed in. Quickly opened the door. Understanding what he meant I ran in, closed the door. Double locking it.

I heard a knock. “I know you’re in there!” A voice called out. I sneaked a look out the window. It was the clown! “I didn’t mean to scare you guys. I was going to give candy” Tom believed him so he opened the door and got out. I also got out but doubtfully. Then I remembered he wasn’t laughing “evil” instead it was cheerful.

He left us. I told Tom that we should look for the others and tell them. We found Alex up a tree but I had a really bad feeling. Someone was following us. “Click” ”BANG! BANG! BANG!”

Friday 22 August 2014

The Building Of Imagination

The library is a public building that is open to anyone. It is where people can borrow books and use the computers for a short period of time. Libraries are open everyday from the morning until the afternoon (public holidays can change times). I am going to explain what the non-fiction and fiction section is about and also what the librarian does.

Non-fiction books is about facts. They help you with research for homework.This section is sorted by the dewey decimal system. Making finding books easier. The dewey decimal system arranges books by their general topic (Science, technology, language etc.). This system cuts down the time wondering around the library looking for the book. People can ask the librarian what dewey decimal number the topic is under.

The fiction section is all about made up stories. From your happily ever after ending fairy tales to your never ending book series, this section is where you find it. Fiction books are sorted differently than the non-fiction books. It is sorted by the author’s first 3 letters of their last name. Sometimes libraries arrange the series books separately. These book usually don’t have pictures and lets the reader’s imagination run wild.

What makes the library tidy is the librarian. Most libraries have more than one librarian. These people help the people to issue or find books. If there was no librarian, the library would be a wreck.

I have explained what the library is and what the main sections are about. Libraries are important because they offer part-time jobs. The library was built so that people can read in a quiet place.

Looking in from the outside!

WALT understand Chinese proverbs.
I know I can understand this when I can write a Chinese proverb using Chinese characters and explain what it means in my own words.

Friday 15 August 2014

John In Seal

WALT recognize our name in seal.
I know I can do this when I copy the seal onto Google.

Tuesday 12 August 2014



This is the three stages that will help us make our business successful.

Club Kidpreneur


This term Room 8 is learning to create businesses, so that we can take on the full experience of starting a business we are using the Kidpreneur programme.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

A Dog Ate My Homework

It all started last Friday. There I was stepping along confidently, Clutching my homework in my hand. I have to say I was pleased with it. I’d spent hours finishing it the night before.

I don’t know what it was doing in my hands because it should’ve been in my bag. But man I was stupid. Once I saw the dog I knew I was already in trouble. It was the town’s most vicious dog. He was one of the biggest dog I’ve seen. He had his mouth open and I saw the sharp yellow teeth drooling with slobber.

I knew I shouldn’t run, but my feet started moving before I could think. It felt like it was second nature. The dog instinctively ran after me. Soon he caught up with me but instead of biting my leg off, he ripped my homework off my hand and ran off. I was left with a slobbery piece of paper. “No! I’m good as dead if Mister finds out that a dog ate my homework,” I thought. “I mean that is the worst reason why I didn’t bring my homework even if it’s true or not,”

Friday 23 May 2014

Questions For Sound

Using padlet I have brainstormed questions about sound.

Friday 16 May 2014

The Amazing Thing About Sound

This is about sound that we are learning for inquiry.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

People's Feelings

I am learning to write an explanation.

There are lots of ways to express/show people’s feelings.

When people are happy they show it by smiling. They might be celebrating or jumping for joy when they are really happy. When they speak, they have a positive/cheerful tone. He/she won’t do things half hearted and might be hyped up.

You can tell when people are scared when they scream or start crying. Some people curse and even punch at the thing that frightened them. On a worse case scenario, people can get heart attack/seizures. Sometimes they start shaking and their face turn white.

People show sadness when they cry and want to be alone. This feeling gets triggered when something bad happens like a family member passing away. It can also be triggered when they get bullied. The person will look like they have lots of things on their mind.

The last feeling is anger. People show anger by clenching their fist and their face is all scrunched up. there are two ways to take anger: verbally (like teasing, mocking etc.) and physically (hitting, kicking etc.). This can lead to rivalry and fights. Some people try not to show their anger but some can’t and might end up committing suicide.

There are more feeling and even more ways to show it.

Monday 17 February 2014

The Amazing Birds

Penguins are birds that are only found in the Southern Hemisphere. There are 17 different types of penguin species alive but one of the most common question asked is why can’t they fly?

They have have lost their ability to fly because where they live there was no need to fly. Their wings have become smaller and has adapted to help them survive in the conditions that their habitats are in. The Penguin’s wings have now turned into fully functional “flippers” meaning that they can swim instead of flying. They use this ability to catch prey and help them to get away from any predators that are threatening them. Their feathers also have adapted, it has grown fluffier to help them keep warm under the conditions of the water.

It’s amazing how the penguins have evolved and adapted to their own habitat.

Friday 14 February 2014

The Faithful Nun

Euphrasie Barbier was born in 1829 in Caen , France. She was a humble nun that put others first before herself.

When she was a young nun she was faithful and was determined to be a foreign missionary. She first joined the Sister of Calvary hoping to travel to a new country to teach about God. She left for London but toward the end of 1850s she had to travel back to France. Euphrasie left the Sisters of Calvary.

In 1861 she founded the Mission Sisters. Hearing about New Zealand she left France to teach young European settlers as well as Maori Girls. It was very courageous of her since mostly only male missionaries did this kind of job but her faithfulness and commitment pushed her to be a helpful, loving nun.

Even though she was becoming old Euphrasie still showed her faith and still guided the mission sisters but on January the 18 1893 she died at Sturry, England.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

About Me

Kamusta, I have returned from the holidays and I am now 12. This is my last year with
Saint Patrick’s and next I’ll be moving on to college. I’m into most sports especially basketball. Take time looking at my work and please leave a comment.