
Thursday 28 November 2013

The Forbidden Lion

As the other lionesses hunt, Mystic was left behind, pregnant. Her mate, the leader of her tribe, Mamba was also with her waiting for their new trio of cubs to come out of her bulging tummy.

“ROAR!!!!!” Mystic growled as the first cub came out. She was a bit quieter when the second came out but the last one took some effort but to their surprise the last cub was WHITE! It was very rare to have a white cub but was also believed as a curse to the lions. Since their last cub was white they decided to hide it and not tell anyone else.

As the two cubs grow in freedom the white cub now named Ariel (God’s lion, lion of god in Hebrew) was forced to grow in hiding making it very difficult to learn anything. So Mystic and Mamba let his brother and sister play with Ariel for a bit but as he grew older, stronger and bigger it was harder to hide him.

The other tribe members was getting suspicious and one of them saw something white and alive so he told everyone. They figured that it was a white lion and started to rebel against Mamba and his mate Mystic. They finally gave in, sad and worried because Ariel was barely 2 years old and hasn't learnt how to hunt. He only knew how to protect himself from lions that can threaten him.

“A-a-Ariel. My s-s-son,” Mystic stuttered as tears fell from her eyes.
“What’s the problem mum? Why are you crying?!” Ariel ask curiously.
“It’s ... It’s you,” Mystic paused, taking a deep breath then said. “The others found out. We have to forbid you from the tribe and be left in the wild,” She burst into tears and hugged her son tightly for the last time.

Alone, abandoned, sent away by his own tribe and not to be seen again. Not knowing his fate, he set off to venture into the unknown.


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